
11 May 2020

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Through its Big Noise programme, Sistema Scotland believes that children from disadvantaged backgrounds can gain social and wellbeing benefits and acquire a range of life skills by being part of an intensive and immersive symphony orchestra programme.

The first Big Noise orchestra was launched in 2008, with six musicians working with 35 schoolchildren - now, there are four across Scotland which work with 2,800 children.

Sistema wants to ensure that every child who takes part in Big Noise is supported in learning valuable and transferable life skills, which will help them grow into happy and healthy adults.

Players of People's Postcode Lottery have raised almost £2 million to help Sistema in this mission.

An independent evaluation of the scheme has consistently shown positive impacts on participants, with children and young people showing increased confidence and academic skills, along with a heightened sense of belonging and fulfillment.

Focused on early years’ intervention and long-term delivery, Big Noise builds on core skills such as listening, concentration, rhythm and teamwork whilst learning to play an instrument.

In response to Covid-19, and with support from players, Sistema has adapted its successful Big Noise programme to make it available online, offering one-to-one classes and videos so that it can continue to be there for its young musicians.