Our framework
Good Operations is built around five key principles that steer People's Postcode Lottery and how we stay true to our sustainable core value.

Customer focused campaigning
Our customers are our players. We are committed to engaging our players and potential players in our mission, taking them on our journey and showing them the incredible things that can be achieved by charities and good causes around the world as well as thanking them for their support.

Maximise positive impacts of funds
Raising funds for good causes is what People’s Postcode Lottery is all about. A unique mix of unrestricted, flexible and long term funding, raised thanks to players, allows supported charities and good causes breathing space to step off the fundraising treadmill, build capacity and resilience and focus on growing their services. Creating strong social organisations.

Operating with integrity
Doing the right thing and striving to be the best we possibly can be is important to us. People’s Postcode Lottery is committed to operating with integrity and transparency across all areas of our business. Our conduct is built around industry best practice and we are dedicated to protecting personal data and ensuring safe and fair lottery participation.

A great place to work and meet
Our people are our greatest strength and are fundamental to our success. With a strong focus on our team’s well-being and investing in their development, we create a safe and inspiring working environment where they can be at their best. We are dedicated to maintaining a thriving, equal and respectful environment, one which is guided by our values and continually shaped by our team.

Leadership in responsible value chains
At People’s Postcode Lottery, our relationships with charities and good causes, our team and suppliers are built on trust. We undertake research and detailed analysis to better understand our areas of impact, working closely with our partners and suppliers. Having confidence in our people and our supply and value chains, transparency and fairness and meeting standards through our code of conduct, is core to how we do business and grow.