People’s Postcode Lottery is a not-for-commercial-gain organisation owned by Novamedia/Postcode Lottery Group, the creators and owners of the postcode lottery brand and format. At the Postcode Lottery we have always believed that together, we can be a force for good. So, we’ve made it our mission to raise as many funds as possible for initiatives that make for better society. From small and local charities, to large, international NGOs – our players support them all.
The Postcode Lottery Group is a social enterprise, 100% owned by a foundation, that contributes to a healthier, fairer, greener world. It started in 1989 with the Nationale Postcode Loterij in the Netherlands with the goal of contributing to a better world through the operation of charity lotteries. Its sole objective is to support charitable and social initiatives worldwide. Going beyond grants, we understand the importance and potential impact that unrestricted, flexible and long-term funding can bring.
People’s Postcode Lottery launched in Britain in 2005 and has since been joined by lotteries in Sweden, Germany and Norway. Postcode Lottery Group is recognised as the world's third largest private charity donor, after the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (2021).
Licensed by the Gambling Commission, People’s Postcode Lottery manages charity lotteries for 20 Postcode Trusts.