
27 July 2020

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CARE International UK works around the globe to save lives, defeat poverty and achieve social justice. It puts women and girls at the centre as poverty cannot be overcome until all people have equal rights and opportunities.

Its programmes and work tackle the underlying causes of poverty so that people can become self-sufficient.

Players of People’s Postcode Lottery have raised £900,000 for CARE.

Here are just some of the ways this funding is helping the charity make a difference.


Care International M4W (1)

#March4Women is CARE’s annual International Women’s Day event. CARE International’s #March4Women is a global movement for gender equality: it’s for anyone and everyone who wants to see a more equal world. Everyone is welcome. This year’s event focussed on the message, ‘No Climate Justice without Gender Justice’. 

As part of #March4Women CARE hosted Hilda Nakabuye, a climate activist and founder of Fridays for the Future Uganda in London.

Hilda spoke at the #March4Women opening rally at the Royal Festival Hall, which was part of the WOW Festival. CARE also facilitated several advocacy meetings for Hilda to meet with UK Government and sector colleagues to outline her priorities for climate action. 


After the onset of the COVID-19 crisis, CARE released it’s ‘Where are the Women?’ report on the absence of women leaders globally in decision-making around COVID-19. The pandemic is disproportionately affecting women and girls.

This makes it all the more important that their voices are equally included in the decision-making spaces and processes where responses are formed. CARE’s research found that where women do have higher levels of leadership, governments are more likely to be responding to the crisis in a way that supports gender equality.


Care International

Players also fund CARE’s Shelter Team, which provides technical support to CARE country offices during humanitarian emergencies.

CARE is providing shelter support to Syrian refugees and the host community in Gaziantep, Turkey and the surrounding region. Turkey is currently home to the highest number of refugees in the world, with 3.6 million people from Syria. CARE’s work in Turkey focuses on addressing poor housing conditions and improving safety, dignity and privacy for vulnerable refugees and host community.

Support from players has helped cover the cost of shelter experts, who have assessed whether centres are suitable for the number of displaced people living there and also made critical recommendations for necessary repairs and rehabilitation.

In April this year, Cyclone Harold hit Vanuatu, Fiji, and Tonga, flattening buildings, damaging infrastructure, cutting power and causing severe flooding. CARE’s Shelter Team provided remote technical support and helped to secure funding for a six-month project to rebuild shelters and strengthen community resilience so that those affected are better equipped to deal with future natural hazards.