
01 October 2021

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Charities and community groups across Britain are being encouraged to apply for a share of £3.5 million to bring their dream project to life.

Launching today, 1st October, the Dream Fund encourages collaboration between charities and good causes by bringing them together to apply for funding for their dream project.

This year’s prize pot is the largest ever, with a top award of £1.25 million. Funding will be offered over three years from 2022.

The Dream Fund is looking for applications from projects which will develop innovative solutions and deliver systematic change in either environment and conservation, social inequality, or pandemic recovery.

It has already invested more than £16 million in 32 projects across Britain, with previous winners including Wheels of Change, a joint project between Whizz Kids, Duchene UK and The University of Edinburgh.

The Wheels of Change project saw the development of a wheelchair for disabled children that is technologically impressive, modular, and affordable.

Malcolm Tyndall, director of strategy and innovation at Whizz-Kidz said: "The £1 million received from the Dream Fund gave us the unique opportunity to work closely with world leading partners and other charities, forming lasting relationships we still benefit from today. Kids in wheelchairs are usually the last to make friends, the last to have fun and the last to find jobs. Thanks to players of People’s Postcode Lottery, kids in wheelchairs are about to start coming first."
Laura Chow, head of charities at People’s Postcode Lottery, said: "This announcement marks the start of an exciting process which will see £3.5 million raised by our players awarded to truly inspirational projects.
"The Dream Fund has made a remarkable difference to so many projects over the last nine years, and I have no doubt that we’ll see many more bold and courageous ideas submitted this year."

Applications to the Dream Fund are open from 1st October until 1st November. Winners will be announced in March 2022. Visit