
15 June 2020

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Human Rights Watch has strengthened its efforts to protect vulnerable people in Sudan, South Sudan and Burundi, including women, children, and those who’ve been displaced or live with disabilities, thanks to players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

The charity has received £2.2 million to support its work on some of the world’s biggest crises, helping expose and report on abuse, drive lasting change, and secure justice.

This money also helps research and investigate issues such as the right to food in the UK, and access to healthcare and education across Europe.

By investigating human rights abuses, exposing them, offering solutions, and generating momentum for change, Human Rights Watch works alongside many partners to promote justice, dignity, and equality for all.

The organisation covers 100 plus countries across six continents and a range of issues, including women’s, children’s, and environmental rights, business and human rights and migrant rights. The rights group builds the legal and moral groundwork for deep-rooted change and works to bring greater justice and security to people everywhere.

The charity and partners earned a Nobel Peace Prize for their successful work to ban landmines, they’ve helped establish the International Criminal Court – to ensure the world’s worst warlords have their day in court. And They helped spur global standards to improve the lives of women, children, workers, and people living with chronic illness.

As the world faces the heath and economic challenges of Covid-19, Human Rights Watch continues to defend basic freedoms and protect the rights of people who are at greatest risk in the pandemic—women, children, the poor, people with disabilities, older people and others. From remote workspaces, staff are forging ahead addressing today’s greatest human rights challenges, including authoritarian power grabs in Hungary and the Philippines, the use of surveillance technology in China and Russia, and censorship of journalists in Bangladesh, Cambodia and Thailand.

Human Rights Watch promotes equal access to healthcare, adequate information from governments, and the right to privacy—aiming to ensure rights are protected now and in the future.

Flavia Pinto is in the process of adopting Elisio, a toddler with albinism (both pictured). Elisio’s father was convicted of trying to sell him because of widespread beliefs that the body parts of someone with albinism have special powers and can bring good fortune.

Human Rights Watch says it’s “grateful to players for supporting our work, in partnership with many local groups, to protect and defend the rights of vulnerable populations in Africa. Thank you for being a part of the human rights movement”.

Image: Marcus Bleasdale for Human Rights Watch