
Breakfasts get a boost

17 January 2020

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People's Postcode Lottery ambassador, Danyl Johnson, spent a morning pouring cereal and buttering bagels for pupils at Gifford Primary School in West London before joining its pop choir to perform songs for guests and children attending the school's Magic Breakfast club. 

Magic Breakfast partners with schools in disadvantaged areas across the country where pupils arrive too hungry to learn. The charity provides healthy food and expert support in order that every child at risk of hunger in their partner schools has access to a nutritious breakfast, without barrier or stigma. 




The charity has been supported by players of People's Postcode Lottery for over five years and has received £1,650,000 in funding.

This year players are funding one million healthy school breakfasts and 10 brand new breakfast clubs in schools right across the country.

This support will help fuel minds and bodies, allowing children to make the most of their morning lessons. 

The Head Teacher of Gifford Primary, Sarah Willson, said: "Magic Breakfast provision has improved our attendance and really improved our punctuality. Children are really keen to come to school, they come rushing in so that they can have some breakfast."
Carmel McConnell MBE, founder of Magic Breakfast, added: "A hungry child cannot concentrate. If they can't learn, they can't succeed. Without the players we wouldn't be able to feed the children that we're feeding right now."