
17 May 2021

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The Wildlife Trusts is a grassroots movement that believes we need nature and it needs us. It believes everyone should have access to nature, and the joy and benefits it brings. No matter where you are in the country, there is a Wildlife Trust near you, standing up for the wildlife and wild places you love.

The Wildlife Trusts mission is to secure a third of the UK’s land and seas for nature’s recovery by 2030. With the help of its supporters, it will restore beautiful wild places that store carbon and help to tackle the climate crisis, allowing our wonderful wildlife to become abundant once again. Its 30 by 30 campaign includes acquiring new nature reserves to create a more joined up landscape where wildlife can thrive, such as Warwickshire Wildlife Trust’s plan to double the land they manage for wildlife by 2030, and improving land for wildlife, such as Radnorshire Wildlife Trust’s project to bring Rhos pasture back into traditional management, benefiting both farmers and wildlife.

With support from players of People’s Postcode Lottery, each year The Wildlife Trusts help thousands of children and young people across Britain to explore local natural places and discover the amazing wildlife that lives there. The Covid-19 outbreak had a huge impact on The Wildlife Trusts, as events and educational programmes were cancelled – but support from players meant that it was able to get creative and continue bringing people closer to nature throughout the pandemic. For example, Avon Wildlife Trust produced uplifting wildlife videos during lockdown, which helped families find ways to continue connecting with nature at home. And, to keep children engaged while learning at home, Devon Wildlife Trust ran a weekly competition for schools in Exeter, with a nature topic linked to the curriculum.

Thanks to the generosity of players of People’s Postcode Lottery, The Wildlife Trusts are able to have a huge impact for wildlife. In 2019, players' support enabled it to care for and enhance 10,888 hectares of land (that’s more than 17,000 football pitches!) and 137 kilometres of rivers and streams across Yorkshire and Northumberland. Wildlife Trusts have been able to protect vulnerable areas from being destroyed.

For example, Scottish Wildlife Trust campaigned tirelessly to stop the internationally important habitat at Coul Links being damaged by the development of a golf course. Following a public inquiry, at which Scottish Wildlife Trust gave evidence, the development proposal was rejected, saving this beautiful stretch of coast and its fascinating plants and animals from harm.

As the warmer weather approaches, The Wildlife Trusts want to encourage everyone to enjoy nature. Studies have shown that daily contact with nature is linked to better health, reduced stress, reductions in obesity and improved concentration. A great way to make sure you get out in nature and experience all the good it can do is by taking part in The Wildlife Trusts’ annual challenge – 30 Days Wild. People are challenged to do one wild thing a day throughout the month of June. That’s 30 simple, fun and exciting Random Acts of Wildness.

Players of People's Postcode Lottery have raised over £15.8 million for The Wildlife Trusts.